Christmas logistics : how do we support brands at C-LOG ?

To ensure that every end of the year tells a beautiful story, brands rely on the power of their Christmas logistics and transportation to deliver precious gifts to the right places and at the right time.

Spotlight on the organization put in place by C-LOG to respond to these strategic challenges.



Faced with an increase in volumes, specialized service providers unanimously agree on a few winning recipes applied all year round but multiplied during peak periods such as end-of-year holidays, sales and certain commercial operations.

Thus, as Bertrand CHABRIER, Director of Development at C-LOG, points out: “Peaks of activity are part of our business and our challenge is to get through them without any problems so that our clients can honor their 360 communication plans.”

The logistics and e-commerce transport expertise that we deploy is in fact identical to other periods but the volumes processed lead us to put in place a significantly different organization.

“We talk a lot with our customers to get the most accurate forecasts,” explains Bertrand CHABRIER.



This year again, to anticipate peaks in activity, the operational and support teams worked together to strengthen the workforce over the period. Other levers are also activated such as the extension of order preparation time slots over a few weeks and sometimes the implementation of weekend work in certain warehouses.

The technical means of E-Commerce preparation, ventilation furniture, preparation robots on the omnichannel hub, have been adjusted or even multiplied to meet daily volumes.

“Getting through the peaks well is therefore prepared all year round by developing the skills of the teams, anticipating our processing capacities and raising awareness among our partners, particularly transport, about the business challenges of our customers in order to guarantee their level of service during the period. Honoring the customer experience is the number 1 priority for all teams” concludes Bertrand CHABRIER.

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