How to work in logistics?

For several years, logistics has been booming and represents, in itself, a sector of activity in its own right. Companies specializing in logistics are looking, more than ever, for their future talents. So, you who are a student, professional or perhaps in professional reorientation, this article is for you. It will allow you to enlighten you on how to work in logistics.


The logistics function of the supply chain

The logistics function corresponds to a transversal function linking suppliers to consumers. It consists of several streams :

  • Physical flows
  • Financial flows
  • Data streams

Logistics is one of the activities of the Supply Chain, that is to say the supply chain. Logistics encompasses a whole process where Human Resources needs are significant. In order to help people wishing to join this field, we have decided to give you the different avenues possible to access the logistics professions. You should know that this sector brings together several dozen different professions.


The best way to access logistics jobs

First of all, there is no one and only way to be able to work in logistics, especially with the multitude of diplomas that exist today. Nevertheless, here are some tips to guide you on your journey. In addition, it is important to know that recruitment in the logistics sector is carried out at all levels of training. Below is an overview of several trainings :


  • Bac pro Conducteur transport routier marchandises
  • Bac pro Logistique
  • Bac pro Organisation de transport de marchandises


Bac + 2

  • BTS GTLA – gestion des transports et logistique associée
  • DUT – qualité, logistique industrielle et organisation
  • Opérateur de transports multimodaux et internationaux (ITIP – CNAM)
  • Titre professionnel TSMEL – technicien supérieur en méthodes et exploitation logistique


Bac + 3

  • Licence professionnelle métiers de l’industrie : gestion de la production
    Différents parcours : gestion industrielle et logistique (GIL)
  • Licence professionnelle commerce
    Différents parcours : management des processus logistiques
  • Licence professionnelle logistique et pilotage des flux
  • Licence professionnelle logistique et systèmes d’informations
    Nombreux parcours : informatique et aide à la décision
  • Licence professionnelle logistique et transports internationaux
  • BUT GLT – gestion logistique et transport
  • BUT QLIO – qualité, logistique industrielle et organisation
  • Diplôme d’école spécialisée : Aftral / Isteli, Promotrans, EM Normandie, ESC Rennes, ISTL / Cnam, ISLT – institut supérieur de la logistique et du transport


Bac + 4

  • DESU GOL – gestion des opérations logistiques (IUT Troyes, IUT Aix en Provence)
  • DU responsable en logistique et transport (université de Pau)


Bac + 5 et >

  • Master gestion de production logistique achats
  • Master management de projets logistiques
  • Diplôme d’école spécialisée : Aftral – Isteli / IML, Promotrans, EM Normandie, ESC Rennes, ISTL / Cnam, Kedge Business School…
  • Mastère spécialisé : gestion achats internationaux et supply chain (Essec Business School)


Of course, this list is not exhaustive. There are many training courses dedicated to the logistics professions. In addition, companies specializing in logistics study all types of routes. To find out more, visit the website >


How to work at C-LOG ?

To join the C-LOG team, simply go to our page dedicated to recruitment and go to the available job offers or directly submit an unsolicited application.

Working in logistics at C-LOG means above all sharing the values that represent the DNA of the company. The diversity of our professions gives many profiles the opportunity to enter this very promising sector!

In order to help you in your approach, C-LOG has prepared a series of business interviews: