PRESS RELEASE LSA : Distributors need to industrialize returns management

The logistics of returns or called “reverse logistics” is more and more talk about it. It is now one of the priorities in the brand strategy. As such, LSA devotes a file on the subject and explains why it should no longer be neglected in the supply chain strategy of brands.


The file begins with a quick summary of the issues: facilitate returns, give autonomy to teams via tools, organize transport …

According to LSA, the average return rate in France is 10%.


As Bertrand Chabrier, Director of Development of C-LOG explains, there are many returns in fashion, but especially in the context of seasonal returns. According to him, three pieces of information are important:

On returns in general : returns are expensive and the product must be processed quickly before being put back in stock or to go back to a salesman tier
On returns in the fast-fashion: returns are in parcel, and the repackaging is done manually and / or via a high-speed sorter
Regarding the high-end / luxury reverse logistics: it is a more complex process due to the nature of the product and its high cost. In this case, the repackaging is performed manually by the piece and often includes a special folding, a cello discount or a re-labeling.


At the transport level, solutions exist to simplify returns and give autonomy to stores. For example, C-LOG offers an accessible web portal for small and large businesses to plan pickups and print transport labels. Thanks to him and C-LOG’s transport control tools, the warehouse return process is faster.

To discover the full article : Distributors must industrialize the management of returns