SUPPLY CHAIN MAGAZINE – “Automation is not unique to new buildings”

In its issue of May, Supply Chain Magazine reviews the investments made by logistics providers to increase productivity in their logistics warehouses.


Should you automate your logistics warehouse to improve the performance of your sites ?

In full popularity of innovation in all types in warehouses, it is normal to wonder about the best way to make its sites more productive. Should it go through an investment in new technologies, in the latest robots in fashion ?

This is not necessarily the case according to Benoit GARCON, CEO of C-LOG. The automation of a site is not always the answer to a site productivity development project. Mezzanine can indeed be an interesting alternative, both in terms of implementation time, low cost and especially optimization of unused areas in warehouses : “It’s faster than building a new site” according to Benoit GARCON. In the supply chain, empty surfaces are indeed the pet peeve of logistics providers. Square meters not used on a site can be expensive for the company. Investing in mechanization involves having available surfaces. Setting up mezzanines will instead make it possible to create available surfaces for optimized picking according to the criteria of quality of service and deadlines.

If this solution meets the financial and operational needs of the company, they must not, however, peril the well-being of employees : “The central point […] is not to degrade the quality of life of operators.” This point is true during the implementation of solutions as after. The workplace should not become noisy or stuffy and undermine the primary goal of improving productivity in the logistics warehouse.


To discover the full article : “Automation is not the prerogative of new buildings