Textile consumption during the end-of-year celebrations


Selling textiles in stores

For several years, textiles have been one of the most purchased items during the end-of-year holidays. During this period, the French took advantage of this to favor textile brands where prices are quite expensive. Textiles represent a turnover of 16 billion euros in France in 2023. This year again, store traffic increased by 16% compared to 2022.

100 billion items of clothing are produced per year worldwide to respond, among other things, to peak sales during the end-of-year holidays. Customers tend to buy more holiday clothing for gifts or simply because of changes in temperature.

December 21, 22 and 23 represent a crucial moment for turnover in the transport and logistics sectors. These days can represent up to 20% of its annual turnover during the month of December.

Selling textiles on the internet

The Internet is one of the best solutions for ordering products that cannot be found in stores. The choices are more varied there. Customizable gifts are among the gifts that we have no choice but to order online.

More than 20 billion euros of clothing are purchased online per year during the Christmas holidays. Which shows us that online purchasing has become an essential sales channel.

Internet activity is strongly influenced by the season, sales periods or recurring calendar events. The volume of sales in this sector thus presents a marked seasonal profile, with higher activity in certain months. This seasonality can change with changes in consumption habits or changes to the regulatory framework, but it has changed little in recent years. The end-of-year holidays, especially Christmas, are a crucial period for e-retailers. The popularity of buying holiday gifts online continues to grow year after year.



Accessible gifts

The textile market can see its sales evolve during the end-of-year holidays thanks to gifts accessible due to their price or given the status of essential item: scarf, hat, gloves, headband for example.

The multiplication of offers at the end of the year

As the holidays approach, brands are offering more and more promotional prices to attract consumers, like Black Friday. Reductions for the months of November and December can range from -20% to -70% for certain stores. This period is eagerly awaited by merchants since the reductions multiply the number of sales.



Preparation leaves anticipation

At Christmas, sales companies face significant logistical challenges linked to the optimization of their warehouses. Preparing for the holidays represents a real organizational challenge.

Picking large quantities of orders is also prone to errors, especially when the warehouse is not well organized. Clear inventory makes the item collection process easier, reducing shipping errors and improving customer satisfaction.

Warehouse space can become an issue when new inventory arrives during the period. Efficient organization of space then becomes fundamental to maximize storage capacity, thus ensuring optimal use of the building.

Note that in addition to the logistics service, the transport service must also adapt to this peak of activity. Indeed, transport agents must adapt the deliveries which will be more numerous : by reserving more trucks or by optimizing the filling of trucks.

Establish an appropriate pace in warehouses

Organization will be the key to success so that orders are delivered on time and not all stores are in difficulty.

Ultimately, a well-organized warehouse promotes agile management and rapid response to fluctuations in demand. This results in a significant reduction in the risk of delays.

An optimal level of service

The holiday season brings a significant increase in product demand, creating peaks of activity for textile logistics. A strategic arrangement of products within the warehouse allows for more fluid organization. This simplifies locating items during order picking, thereby reducing processing times.

Warehouse optimization is not limited to the physical layout, it also encompasses the implementation of processes. This includes the optimum