VOXLOG TRIBUNE : Benoit GARCON talks about the end-of-year e-commerce logistics challenges

At the heart of a forum for VOXLOG, Benoit GARCON, CEO of C-LOG looks back on the various challenges that await e-commerce logistics during the peak of the end of the year celebrations.

The health crisis has affected the way people consume in many ways. The temporary closure of stores linked to the containment or simply the fear of going to the store have pushed consumers to turn to e-commerce. Thus, brands in all sectors have had to review their distribution strategy in order to go digital. To this end, textile logistics providers also had to review their strategy and focus their energy on the e-commerce supply chain.



At C-LOG, it is therefore e-commerce that has concentrated the energy of the teams, for all the partners supported from the start of the containment in November.

In order to adapt, C-LOG notably made more intensive use of high-speed sorting machines to speed up e-commerce preparation. Of course, e-commerce returns were more numerous and a special organization was therefore set up to process these flows. The IT part has also been redesigned, in particular on the printing part of delivery slips.

This new organization has enabled C-LOG to be ready to face the volumes linked to the end-of-year celebrations, the digital shift having been taken well in advance.

Despite the 5-fold increase in orders to be processed, C-LOG has managed to maintain its delivery times for orders: “Despite the volumes which have exploded, we have managed to maintain our deadlines between the moment the customer places the order and the one where he receives it. ”


A forum to be found in full on the VOXLOG website : C-LOG is organized to face the e-commerce challenges of the end of the year