VOXLOG DOSSIER : Brittany, land of Supply Chain development

The media VOXLOG unveils this month a file dedicated to the Supply Chain in the Breton territory.



C-LOG is one of the market players who bring life and are attached to the territory.

In 2002, it was in Saint-Malo that the logistics company laid its foundations on the initiative of Roland Beaumanoir. Since its creation, the supply chain provider has always made the decision to stay in the region where the Beaumanoir Group was born.



The file highlights the ability of professionals in the sector to have been able to adapt by pooling their transport, for example, in order to counter the lack of infrastructure.

The quality of life of the territory is also addressed. Indeed, many companies like C-LOG have the particularity of being located in areas close to the coast. Thus, the companies offer a pleasant living environment to their employees, who can work in town during the day and relax by the sea in the evening.

From now on, jobs with high added value are no longer only available in the capital. Supply chain companies are increasingly developing their technological skills. Very technical missions are now offered, such as jobs in IT, Robotics, Projects or Transport. At C-LOG, for example, the professions have evolved over the years in line with changes in the sector. The logistician is no longer considered solely as someone who prepares packages. Inventory management, improved lead times and handling conditions, activity peaks are all elements that have forced professionals to innovate constantly.

The study also highlights several other aspects of the Breton territory such as the development of ports for international transport or CSR issues.


To view the full story : “Brittany : from constraint comes dynamism