What is e-commerce logistics or e-logistics ?

Logistics e-commerce definition : e-commerce logistics, or e-logistics, represents the logistics of internet sales. This activity involves setting up specific processes to respond to a particular flow management.

This logistics is accompanied by e-commerce transport, which requires a different organization of a retail transport.



The e-commerce logistics takes over the different jobs of the supply chain, but there are specific professions as well on the side of the brand as the textile logistics provider :

  • Order picker
  • Transport Service
  • Delivery
  • In-store seller for the click-and-collect
  • SAV



Just like logistics and transport in general, the e-commerce supply chain must be mastered and optimized from start to finish. Often, going through an outsourcing can be an effective solution. Some points must still be taken into account in order to be as effective as possible.

  • The price, on one side for the brand but also for the consumer. The e-merchant wishes to offer its customers a fair delivery price, but that does not cost too much. Consumers are looking for a great rate. The price of delivery is a constraint and sometimes it is too high, it can lead to abandonment of basket. It is therefore necessary to be able to offer several offers with prices adapted to the needs.
  • The speed of preparation, shipping and delivery of the order must be as fast as possible. The consumer is impatient and wants to receive his order right away. He is even ready to pay for his more expensive delivery in order to benefit from a fast delivery in D + 1 or D + 2, even express. Here again, it is important to offer various offers corresponding to the various needs.
  • The management of the returns precisely, corresponds to a specific flow and must be perfectly controlled by the logistics provider. This activity has gained considerable weight in recent years and has forced brands to optimize this flow. Beyond a complex process that must be mastered in its entirety, e-merchants are looking for a low-cost solution for their business. This concept of cost also plays another role, since the consumer wants to return his articles for free which implies an effort on the part of the brands.
  • The environmental approach has become important in the minds of consumers. It is no longer a question of going through a brand that will send products in packaging that is too big, with all sorts of settings and not adapted to possible returns. We must therefore rethink the entire offer in this sense: transport, packaging and returns.


C-LOG accompanies you

  • Real-time traceability has become a necessity to meet the needs of consumers and to solve possible problems of delivery or loss of parcels. IT tools make it possible to control flows and anticipate needs. Our transport control tools give you the opportunity to know the exact location of a package to inform your customers.
  • Our expertise and the number of our partnerships allows us to manage large volumes, often complex, on a daily basis. We support 25 partners, all from the equipment of the person and with very specific needs. This allowed us to acquire a unique know-how and an ability to manage the peaks of activity in an organized and reactive way. This concept of volumes also allows us to offer attractive and adapted prices, both in terms of e-commerce logistics and e-commerce transport.
  • These partnerships are also made with specialists destocking on the internet, accustomed to ephemeral sales. Our ability to manage this type of complex flows in a very short time allowed us to gain agility and speed.
  • This expertise is also found for e-commerce with a specific e-commerce offer for textiles and ready-to-wear. We propose a solution including logistic and transport e-commerce tailor-made.
  • As a freight forwarder, we offer you a complete and tailor-made solution for transport solutions, particularly based on last mile delivery, but also solutions based on the nature of your product, its specificity and its value.
  • We support you in the optimization of your e-commerce supply chain, by studying all of your flows. We are able to help you in the design of your packaging, adapted to the value of the product and the market.
  • Customer relationship plays an important role in the quality of your customer experience. C-LOG accompanies you with its dedicated transport service team.
  • Certified ISO 14001, C-LOG is committed every day to make its supply chain activity as environmentally friendly as possible.

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